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Nov. 2, 2015
 Town of Princeton, Mass. – Nov. 2, 2015  -- 5 PM

5 PM  The meeting was called to order in the Town Hall Annex.  Present were Chairman Edith Morgan, Jon Fudeman, Stan Moss and T.A. Nina Nazarian.
The board voted all in favor to approve testimony as presented from Princeton Selectmen to support House Bill 666 -- Drainage work on public ways. This bill would make the state environmental requirements/exemptions for road work equal to those for utility work (pipes, conduit, etc.)
Board discussed potential dates for town’s Annual Holiday Party at the Mountain Barn and chose Dec. 1, 2, 8 or 9. An email blast will go out to all staff, and board volunteers.
Board voted all in favor to approve appointments: for Bill Holder of 45 Goodnow Road to the Road Advisory Committee for a term to June 30, 2018, and appoint Kristen Ferrante, 85 Main Street, as alternate on the Historical Commission for a term to June 30, 2016.
In light of Christine Trudeau resigning from Advisory Board because she is employed by PMLD, Stan suggested changing town bylaw to allow Advisory Board members to serve on certain special purpose committees. There may be an action from a previous town meeting, around 2003, exempting same—will be researched.
5:15 PM  Fieldstone Farm funding proposal was discussed – need decision for Special Town Meeting whether it will be exempt (debt exclusion) from Prop. 2 ½ or not. Stan supports debt exclusion which requires a ballot vote. Nina found that there is no time lapse required between STM and election, only that they be within 90 days of each other. The status of the LAND grant should be known by December. Status of an APR should be known by March or April. The STM warrant could be finalized at the Nov. 30 BOS meeting.
        Resident Dave Nichols expressed concern about the town borrowing $650,000. He was assured that although the article will ask for $650,000, the amount actually borrowed will be $250,000 only after the $400,000 reimbursement is finalized—the reimbursement is a contingency of the borrowing. Voters will know the tax impact at the STM. The group further talked about loan payment over a three year or five year period. Edith M. pointed out that with pending capital expenditures on town building upgrades, the shorter loan life was preferable, to avoid spiking taxes by layering new capital loans over older ones.
        Selectmen voted all in favor to conduct a ballot vote before Dec. 31, subject to approval at a special town meeting, to approve a debt exclusion of $650,000. They then voted all in favor to borrow $250,000 for a three-year period, subject to STM approval. They also voted all in favor to authorize the BOS chair and town administrator to enter into negotiation/discussion with the Fieldstone Farm Steering Committee relative to obtaining some property--as part of the whole preservation project--for municipal use. They looked initially at the corner property on Calamint Hill Road and Route 62.
6 PM  Phil Mighdoll from the former Underutilized Assets Committee came in to describe current status of parcels the town owns, mainly through default of property tax payments. He noted that the town might consider selling viable or buildable lots since the real estate market has picked up. His group completed a study and identified 11 parcels—mostly slivers that abutters may be interested in. However, one lot on Hubbardston Road and area for two lots on Mountain Road show potential as house lots. Edith M. suggested waiting until houselots proposed for the Fieldstone Farm project are sold, and broadband is installed as a marketable amenity for property sales in Princeton.
6:10 PM  Selectmen voted all in favor to schedule a debt exclusion ballot vote on Dec. 17, 2015 for Fieldstone Farm.
6:15 PM  The Open Space Committee in with Karen Rossow, Deb Cary, Kelton Burbank, with Rick Gardner and Ken Wood arriving 10-15 minutes later. They reported on progress of Trail Around Princeton, using parts of existing trails and cart roads and connecting greenways, on public and private land. They work aside from the Fieldstone project and the Princeton Land Trust, with the goals to: save land; make trails; connect trails and use trails.
6:30 PM The Parks & Rec Commission chairman Kevin Heman Sr. was unavailable, but Kelton B. is a member and was willing to give a report on that group’s activities. He said their main charge is maintenance of recreational fields and properties. The town leases playing fields to clubs and teams, mostly soccer, but there has been a drop off in recent years by local groups, such as Little League moving to Sterling. Sometimes in the past vendors have leased the field house at Krashes Field, but there doesn’t seem to be much interest in that. A winter carnival is planned this year—the one scheduled last year was snowed out on multiple dates. Kelton noted that the playground equipment has been upgraded, and the 50’ x 100’ skating rink created at Krashes has been a big success, even at night utilizing the B-ball court’s outdoor lighting.
        Stan asked about the idea that the Highway Dept. could create parking for a few cars at the entrance to Boylston Park on Calamint Hill Road.
Nina reported on a few items, including the progress of roof repair on Bagg Hall. She noted a complaint received from a resident about a tractor trailer parked near corner of Ball Hill and Brook Station roads.

6:40 PM  Selectmen voted all in favor to approve minutes for:  Oct. 19, 22, and 26 as well as Oct. 26 Exec. Session which are not for release. They signed Warrants FY’16 – 9. Nina announced that she and Edith M. would attend a WRSD budget round-table next Tuesday night.

6:45 PM  Selectmen voted all in favor to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted, Admin. Assistant Marie Auger

BOS Referenced Documents: Testimony for House Bill 666; funding sources document from Fieldstone Farm Steering Committee; tax impact document

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department